K. Harris Consulting

Web Design, Knowledge Mobilization, Administration Services

About Us

K. Harris, Owner

Welcome! Let’s design a website, share knowledge, and build lasting relationships. Years of education and professional experience has led me to create K. Harris Consulting Co. – a space for collaboration, creativity, and knowledge sharing. I cannot wait to get started with you!

Our Mission

Our mission is to gather, share, and grow your brand and your message; to amplify your voice and facilitate the seamless transfer of knowledge via web development, content creation, and administrative tasks. We are committed to helping you share your vision, expertise, insights, research, and stories with the world through various media.

Passionate Creatives

With over 15 years of experience turning ideas into impactful content, we remain driven by passion for creating. Our expertise in knowledge mobilization, website development, content creation, and administrative services will help you achieve your goals.

Passion Projects

K. Harris Consulting specializes in transforming your vision into digital media by offering a variety of services, including web design, knowledge mobilization, and administration. We work closely with you to understand your goals, ensuring that our final product aligns with your unique needs. We excel at producing websites, guides, toolkits, and reports that effectively communicate information and drive engagement. Take a look at a couple of our passion projects below!